Putting a Different Spin on Network Management


Grundfos Supports Global Expansion and Maintains Competitive Advantage with 企业网络分析

总部设在丹麦, 格兰富水泵是世界上最大的商用和家用水泵和供水系统制造商之一. Entuity在全球拥有40多个生产基地,每年生产超过1600万台泵,在65个国家管理265个办事处, ensuring optimum network services for their 18,000 employees is a massive undertaking. 如此庞大的网络需要可靠的IT流程和管理策略,以确保网络本身针对在其上运行的所有十大赌博正规老平台进行适当的调优.


  • 18000 +员工
  • 网络设备4500台

Network Management Software:

  • 企业网络分析


  • 2010年9月

Configuration Management Adds a Unique Perspective for Managing Grundfos’ Global Network
管理4,500种不同的设备需要大量的最佳实践策略和一致性,以使整个网络有效地工作. 从防火墙, 路由器, and UPS devices; to virtual 路由器 and even air conditioners; keeping tabs on how they are all performing is just half of the story. 格兰富IT团队需要一种方法来简化和自动化所有这些设备的配置管理过程. 设置参数需要花费太多的手工时间,然后每个It团队成员根据自己的专业知识使用自己的配置规则. This individual style of configuration provisioning led to varied discrepancies. 他们意识到,如果每个人都遵循相同的配置规则集,就可以实现更好的性能和有效的管理.

弗雷德王寅, Network Engineer and Global Network Architect at Grundfos, developed a set of configuration best practices for each device type and then using Entuity’s network management software, automated the entire process. “ENA的配置管理功能为我们提供了广泛的功能,可以真正简化网络配置.” Using the Configuration Management Module not only automates the configuration process, but it provides swift detection and understanding of any configuration changes that are made. It automates enforcement of configuration best practices across their global network. “我们在处理新部署方面效率更高,可以在影响性能之前立即看到任何变化,弗雷德说。. “For example, we can set up a virtual router in Azure in less than 5 minutes. 我们配置SNMP, 添加到ENA, hit a button and the router is automatically configured to our specifications in the Azure cloud.”

除了, ENA has also been helpful in another part of the device management lifecycle—software upgrades, IOS, 或者升级HP系统. Grundfos has automated the process of upgrades for switches, 路由器, firewalls, 等. There is a script that runs the upgrade and if there’s not enough space for the image, it will automatically clean up enough storage space, delete the old images and download the new image. This automated process for release upgrades doesn’t stop there, 配置脚本启动正确的引导命令,并立即进行重新引导—整个过程由ENA处理,从而节省了大量员工处理这些平凡但必要的任务的时间,这些任务似乎从来没有得到过一致的处理. 保持设备的最新软件版本从未如此简单和及时——当依赖于应该100%最新的防火墙设备时,这对于安全目的尤其不可或缺.

Service Monitoring – A Better Way to Deliver 十大赌博正规老平台 to End-Users
格兰富正在从传统的电话系统迁移到微软的Skype商务VoIP通信平台. 这里的目标是创建一个电话系统,它的性能和以前的系统一样好,提供出色的用户体验. VoIP requires management of bandwidth utilization availability to facilitate first-rate phone quality. 格兰富已经建立了一个十大赌博正规老平台监控视图,用于监控IP-SLA指标,并在出现问题时自动发出警报. 十大赌博正规老平台监控允许更快的诊断和问题修复,因为它只关注VoIP流量所在的部分网络. Now, they can easily monitor the quality of the calls around any particular region with custom views. “特别是, 我们会自动观察影响用户语音/电话质量的语音有效载荷波动和呼叫信令问题,维斯特说。. “当超过阈值时,我们会发出警报,然后我们可以立即进行调整,减少语音质量差的可能性.“十大赌博正规老平台监控提高了运营效率,因为它对被监控的内容非常具体. 格兰富IT工程师花费更少的时间寻找根本原因,更多的时间纠正问题,从而减少了十大赌博正规老平台或应用程序的停机时间. This, of course, lends itself to high end-user satisfaction and keeps the business running smoothly.

Far-reaching Visibility and Extensibility Enhance End-to-end Management
企业网络分析的灵活性和可扩展性为网络管理人员带来了更多有价值的数据,包括一系列非网络产品的管理功能. It provides a more thorough look at what could be altering services. 例如, Grundfos adds several different brands of Uninterruptable Power Supplies (UPS) to ENA to monitor. “We do custom polling to these UPS systems that are specific to each vendor—how many batteries are still active, what is the battery life available, 等. 这是另一种消除未知因素的方法,可以通过准确的数据来做出明智的决定,在电池耗尽之前何时更换电池.” In the event of a power outage, 当电池寿命分钟数低于给定阈值时,将向操作团队发送电子邮件.

弗雷德还报道说, “Even our air conditioners are now being monitored—for temperature, 湿度, or whether the compressor is running. It is really helpful for us to keep an eye on offices or data centers that are in warmer climates.“它在确保保持正确的温度方面发挥了重要作用,这些数据已被用来避免设备的实际熔毁. Extensibility results in extending management capabilities beyond traditional network devices. 通过管理更多样化的产品,ENA可以为格兰富提供更多的数据和可见性,从而做出更好的决策,并保持十大赌博正规老平台的最佳运行.


  • ENA满足了格兰富不断变化的网络需求,以支持扩张,并使格兰富作为世界领先的泵制造商保持竞争力.
  • Adds consistency for configuration management parameters, 改善流程, streamlines and reduces the time needed to deploy new devices.
  • 为单个十大赌博正规老平台提供更好的可见性,缩短了解决任何问题所需的时间,确保了出色的最终用户体验.
  • Delivers accurate, customized insights to drive better decisions, appropriate responses and actions.

Sustaining a Fluid Flow for the Future
格兰富利用实体网络分析来改进流程和十大赌博正规老平台,而不仅仅是专注于设备管理. “我们希望Entuity作为我们的合作伙伴,了解格兰富可以在许多方面利用ENA,使我们的工作更容易、更精细,弗雷德说。. “We always need to be looking ahead while at the same time continue to offer reliable end-user services. It is a fine line to follow, but with better insight into our network we can remain the leader in the marketplace.“格兰富正在向云迁移,并将继续增加更多的数字应用,比如在公司范围内扩展VoIP. Keeping a fluid flow of water is what they offer to the world; internally, Grundfos IT keeps a fluid flow of technology moving to their employees that maintains their corporate success.

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