什么是DCIM? -数据中心基础设施管理[快速指南]


约旦麦克弗森 - global Network and Server Management leader - headshot
约旦麦克弗森 2021年11月30日
1. 更多的正常运行时间
2. 提高利用率
3. 提高了生产率
4. 优化成本
DCIM工具 & 解决方案

当涉及到管理数据中心基础设施时, there are many different moving pieces that are as complex as they are critical. 十大赌博正规老平台器之间, 存储, 网络, 系统集成, 能源消耗, 温度控制, there are a lot of data center assets to track and maintain.


A systematic approach to data center infrastructure management could be the solution you need.


数据中心基础设施管理(DCIM)是数据中心运营和IT的巅峰,可用于优化数据中心性能. DCIM工具和最佳实践可用于monitoring和管理数据中心元素,如配电元素, 十大赌博正规老平台器, 存储硬件, 以及网络设备.

的 definition of infrastructure, however, is evolving. 从历史上看,它用来指本地硬件. With the continued and increasing reliance on cloud, the bounds of traditional IT基础设施组件 正在扩大. 但不管你怎么看, 基础设施管理的重要收获是,它代表了管理实践的完整阵列, 包括:

  • 知道自己拥有什么
  • 确定值(底线是什么?? 什么是好的? 什么是异常?? 什么是坏的??)
  • 保证正常运行时间


在大多数商业环境中, 已建立的流程可以帮助员工保持生产力,而不会让任何关键责任从裂缝中溜走. DCIM的启用尤其重要,因为忽略数据中心操作的任何方面都可能导致代价高昂的停机时间和重大业务中断.

DCIM and data center management can be used for the following activities:

  • 系统发现发现网络设备 can be used by data center operators to take inventory of all IT devices in and around the facility. 电力分配和空气质量的连接测量仪器也必须考虑在内.
  • 监察及报告 -一旦你有了准确的设备清单, 数据中心硬件monitoring 应该用绩效指标来衡量吗. Unfortunately, exhaustive reporting of such systems can be… exhausting. 的 网络事件管理 DCIM的功能有助于识别和报告关键事件和事件,使您能够对干扰进行分类并确定优先级问题.
  • 可视化 -基础设施及 网络映射工具 可以通过提供对设施和信息流的直观理解来提高数据中心管理人员的性能吗.

Unfortunately, most organizations don’t think of DCIM when they’re thinking of business goals. 而, 更有可能的是,组织认为DCIM是一种必要的邪恶,它既要花钱,又可能根本不符合业务目标.

One of the reasons many organizations choose to use a third-party provider for DCIM, 还是因为它不是一个商业差异化因素. 你不会因为拥有强大的基础设施管理实践而在市场上表现得更好——但如果你拥有薄弱的基础设施管理实践, 你的表现肯定会更差.

此外, 数据中心的运营成本高得令人难以置信, from HVAC and power to space (even with consolidation in power), 和他们的 数据中心基础设施组件 维护起来很复杂, 结果往往是杂乱无章的文件积累,而不是对现实的准确描述. +, the best and brightest in corporate IT usually aren’t flocking to be on the patching team, 哪些因素会给适当的维护带来挑战.



1. 更多的正常运行时间

DCIM监视和轮询可以帮助您更好地了解工厂网络中的哪些关键系统. 通过monitoring和报告关键事件, your DCIM solutions can help you identify problems before they occur. 这意味着更少的故障点和更多的正常运行时间.

任何操作数据中心的人都可以确认:大多数灾难性事件的根本原因是事情与预期或记录的不同, 当您不确定事物的配置方式或没有考虑到问题时,很难补救问题.

的 foundational elements to this paradigm are downtime and loss of uptime.

  • 停机时间 is caused by failing to do data center infrastructure management properly.
  • 正常运行时间损失 是计划中的还是计划外的. 当计划, 您可以通过在最可接受的时间进行操作来控制正常运行时间的损失,而不是在关键的操作期间经历停机.

2. 提高利用率

网络带宽monitoring functionality of DCIM systems can help you spot underutilized or overutilized assets in your facility. This can improve capacity planning and have significant impacts on the timing of physical asset additions.

3. 提高了生产率

Because data center infrastructure management tools help streamline workflow management, employees can better prioritize maintenance and necessary IMACD项目. DCIM工具和最佳实践提供的清晰度可以减少要求苛刻的数据中心环境的压力和可变性.

4. 优化成本

Improved utilization (from step two above) is an obvious contributor to optimized costs. In addition to capacity planning and utilization benefits, hardware health can be closely regulated. 因此, 通过OEM达到EOSL的功能齐全的IT硬件仍然可以与合适的支持合作伙伴一起使用.


DCIM是一个复杂的、多方面的过程. While it’s not usually considered exciting, it is necessary, there is a right way to do it. To keep your business up and running and prevent damaging outages, consider the following 5 best practices for keeping up with your DCIM routine.


It is imperative to have complete documentation of all data center assets. 如果你不知道自己拥有什么,就无法管理. 也, don’t try to oversimplify with a spreadsheet; doing so will actually make your practice more difficult because it will demand a near religious 水平 of upkeep and judiciousness.


首先要问:你能把所有这些都用仪器测量出来吗? Do you have the internal resources to watch over your assets? How are you measuring whether it’s available and performant? 大多数组织, 大与小, 需要一个合作伙伴来执行DCIM,因为即使是装备精良的公司也没有时间将熟练的资源投入到这项活动中. 最好的建议是进行投资,并聘请一位拥有专业知识和工具的专家来执行物理和逻辑审计. 放心,无论你做什么, 你的未管理库存不会消失, 如果不去处理, 它将变得更加复杂,更难以管理.


这适用于所有相关人员. Different political entities within the company cannot use different systems. 无论是网络还是存储团队, everyone needs a single source of truth because data center assets are all interrelated, thus the infrastructure management record must reflect the contents of the ITSM environment precisely. 也 make certain that change control processors also use that system of record.

专业提示:记录包括物理记录. 这听起来可能有点极端,但是给你的每一个衣架拍一张照片,确保它保持原来的样子.


如果你确实经历了计划外的变化,找出原因. 它会发生的, but you must continue to detect and adapt processes to correct changes before the result in outages.


对于系统工程师来说,精心设计一个具有三倍冗余和各种出色功能的漂亮计划并不罕见. Later, the reality is that the organization does not in fact require that 水平 of redundancy. 的 point is, it’s important to be able to understand what you’re actually aiming for in DCIM.


就是这样. 这是本步骤的最佳实践.

DCIM工具 & 解决方案



Each of the following DCIM tools range from constructs that simply enable data center managers, 转向更全面的工具,并在数据中心管理过程中引入一定程度的冗余.


第三方数据中心维护 是一种多厂商硬件支持,可用于在其OEM支持里程碑期间和之后维护网络和基础设施设备. Third Party Maintenance (TPM) is generally inclusive of 存储硬件维护, 十大赌博正规老平台器维护, 网络设备维护.

例如, Park Place Technologies offers maintenance contracts with ParkView 硬件monitoring™, a 数据中心硬件monitoring解决方案 that looks for incidents 24/7 and automatically opens tickets, 分类问题, 并派遣支援. This 水平 of service proactively identifies faults 24/7 without the need for customer action of any kind.

Park Place Technologies提供的TPM最吸引人的好处之一是,客户可以在线和移动方式访问数据中心硬件状态, 事件, 和库存. Leveraging TPM for your DCIM needs can provide the support that data center operators desperately need.


Another type of DCIM monitoring and management can be found from managed service providers. 例如, Park Place Technologies offers ParkView Managed 十大赌博正规老平台™, 一套完整的托管十大赌博正规老平台,可以在加速业务转换的同时管理组织的关键基础设施.

数据中心基础设施管理十大赌博正规老平台 水平, 可以识别故障, 已记录的事故票, parts dispatched without the data center manager spending any time identifying and resolving 事件.


DCIM software is a relatively new type of system that can be used to aggregate data from your Facilities, 数据中心运营, 和IT部门整合成一个工具. 的 key benefits of solutions like this are the integration of physical systems like humidity, 气流, temperature gauges that wouldn’t otherwise be found in standard 网管软件.

Save Money with Trusted Data Center Maintenance 十大赌博正规老平台

无论您是对第三方硬件维护还是全套基础设施管理十大赌博正规老平台感兴趣, Park Place Technologies拥有备受赞誉的DCIM支持解决方案,可以帮助您简化硬件管理.

今天就联系Park Place Technologies to learn how our solutions can support your data center needs!

约旦麦克弗森 - global Network and Server Management leader - headshot


Jordan负责指导Park Place的ParkView管理十大赌博正规老平台部门的全球网络和十大赌博正规老平台器管理产品. His responsibilities include collaborating with Sales, Marketing, Enterprise Operations, the R&D team to develop and bring to market Park Place’s world-class managed services. 他拥有12年的全球规划经验, monitoring, 及提供资讯科技十大赌博正规老平台, 包括在MSP IntelliNet被Park Place收购之前担任近10年的团队领导和战略应用开发人员. 乔丹是俄亥俄大学的毕业生.